The lies we tell ourselves

3 min readDec 29, 2021

“You have got to keep it together; you have got to be strong. Exposing yourself is not right, its completely wrong.”

“You have got to keep it together; you have got to keep yourself in check. You don’t want to be that guy who shows emotions or looks upset. “

“You’ve got deflect these feelings and make sure that you look and sound your best.”

“You can’t be out here looking all panicky and stressed”

“You’ve got to keep it together, you’ve got to be cool, calm and collected. You don’t want to be that weirdo, who says the wrong things and ends up socially rejected.”

“You’ve got to maintain your composure, you don’t need this negative exposure, people need to know that you are on top of your game.”

“What will they think of you if you fail, you’ll just bring shame to your name. You’ve got credibility that you need to maintain, showing any kind of fallibility would be stupid and can’t be entertained.”

These are the lies we tell ourselves

These are the lies we tell ourselves, that stop ups from seeking help

These are the lies we tell ourselves, when our loved ones try to help because they can tell that we are going through our own personal hell. When our self-esteem has run out of steam and our self-confidence is torn at the seams.

These are the lies we tell ourselves, when those painful memories we thought we shelved, come back to haunt us with unbelievable stealth and rouse emotions that we didn’t know we felt. And like ice in the sun, our sense of comfort begins to melt.

We’re so afraid of being honest with ourselves, that we end up not knowing when we are not well.

We’re so afraid of dealing with what bothers us, that the path to healing is just not appealing.

We would rather indulge in coping methods that take away more than they give. Methods that lead us to death when we simply want to live.

A lot of us know the dark spaces that we’re in, where admitting our innermost thoughts makes our heads spin and leaves goose bumps on our skin. For some of us admission, feels like we’re committing sin, even though we are drowning.

You see the first step to being in a better place is to stop trying to put up a brave face. Our constant charades only serve to keep us imprisoned in a really difficult state.

Next, we need to get down on our knees and pray. Pray, for self-honesty, guidance and grace. Pray that our misplaced masculinity does not put us in harms way and leave us feeling lost and afraid.

Christ has offered to take our burdens away and have our troubles erased, if we simply come to Him.

Coming to Him, means taking that first step. Taking that first step means knowing that you need to move. Knowing that you need to move means that you see that you are stuck in a rut. Seeing that you are stuck, comes from realising that you need real eyes to see the real lies you’ve been telling yourself.

And all of this starts with being honest with yourself.




An observer, seeking to find deeper meaning in my existence and the world around me through re-interpretation and re-imagination.